Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Tracking his computer

Hi- wanted to thank Brady and his team for investigating how/if we could track down Nicholas' computer via his IP address. Unfortunately, tracking his laptop via IP addresses is nearly impossible (please see thread below).

The missing computer has been filed into the national crimes database and we keep checking craigslist to see if it pops up there.

[excerpt from email thread]

IP addresses are of absolutely no use at this point regardless of vendor or who provided the card. And for Nicholas' laptop, AirPort was the built-in method or card he used. He determined that unless you have a "tracker" installed before a laptop is stolen, it's a bad scenario.

IP address are very, very different from the MAC addresses (again not MAC as in Macintosh, but MAC as in Media Access Control). Any IP address that shows up on the Internet is 99.9% to be from behind a firewall preventing you from accessing the "true" IP Address of the originating machine. And again, even if we knew his true IP Address - determining the MAC address would be similar to finding a needle in a haystack the size of Jupiter.


INRN said...

There might be a way to track his laptop with the MAC address. I believe this information would be listed on the box or any literature that came with the laptop.

Also, is there anyway to "ping" the laptop?

Otherwise, the serial # number should be submitted ASAP to Apple and the Police in case anyone attempts to sell it. Check pawn shops, eBay (for like laptops in the Seattle area) and Craigslist.

Just a few thoughts.

Keep praying.

Kim said...


Has there been any news on Nicholas? I haven't been able to find any articles since 2/23.

Dan mentions the serial # of his laptop. Was this a company issued laptop or his personal one? If it belonged to the comany then they should have that information logged. Just a thought :)

Praying for Nicholas' safe return.

Gilles said...

Just curious, have you also been verifying his accounts on such sites as iTunes or Amazon ... or places he'd buy things from his laptop ?
If someone got his laptop they might be able to place orders from there ?

AbbieRoad said...


I saw this macbook for sale in the Seattle Area, I grabbed a screen cap just incase it gets deleted - if you need it email me. I'm not sure how to tell, but if Christine or someone knows the specs they might be able to match it up.

Good luck :)

Unknown said...

Are there any updates? I think it would be helpful to keep this site current,even if there aren't any new findings, so that people know the search is still high priority - at least bumping the missing flier up! Hope Nicholas is found safe and sound!

Caring said...

We are praying for Nicholas and posting words of support and caring for him at a new blog -- supportingnicholas.blogspot.com. We hope that he may somehow be able to read our words and know that so many people are concerned and thinking about him.

If anyone has something caring and supportive to say to Nicholas and/or his parents and sisters, please stop by the new blog.